среда, 24 июля 2013 г.

Bella Goth fixing script - TEST

Hello there... And no, I' m not dead... So, now I' m back after a long break. But this time I bring something else than a Sonic character in TS2.
I' ve been a Bella Goth seeker for a long time. Along with my fellow seekers, I theorised, tried to do something. I even tore down the game files with my SimPE seeking for a script which could possibly bring her back. But after my friends along with me lost all the hope, I suggested to make my own script. And now I' m coming up with this.
This is my first custom script I put in the web. I got some scripting experience from making my own custom lightsaber for TS2, but it' s full of bugs inherited from the object I cloned, and to which neither me nor remaining MTS2 scripters couldn' t find solution, so I' m ashamed to put a raw object here( however, I' m planning to do some major changes to it in order to fix it and finally finish it) . It' s not play tested, because I already play in Pleasantview, Bella is back in there, and I don' t want to delete my current game. I' m really grateful to you if you weren' t afraid to download and test it, but if you install it, you accept all possible risks including game crashing or your Pleasantview Bella being totally deleted. But if I scripted everything correctly, it will fix all her bugginess( minus personality and biography missing) , and add her to the first Pleasantview family you download. Also, don' t download this in case your Bella is dead, or you already fixed her with any kind of cheats, or if you performed any kind of interaction with her with your game or SimPE. I recommend you to use an untouched, not palyed Pleasantview when you test it. The game must not repeat the action twice, I added an appropriate question to it, but I' m not sure about this one either. Also, it' s a global script, and though I changed the resource group, I don' t deny the possibility it might overwrite some of your mods or game options( because unless the resources are properly renamed, global mods have tendency to do this) . In that case just delete it from your Downloads folder.
This is just a test version. Later I might expand it and even script some detective quest if I get a good story idea. If you see any kind of bugs, don' t be ashamed to report them in comments. It' s really important so I will know what to work on.
UPDATE( 03. 08. 13) : Since my friend told me it doesn' t work, I cloned a Bella portrait and put a script as an interaction here, This is no longer a global mod. Testers, please delete the old version and redownload.
UPDATE( 04. 08. 13) : I fixed the Guardian BHAV. Please redownload again.